Nittany Lion Career Network (NLCN) is Penn State's career database containing internship, part-time, and full-time positions for students and alumni. It is available to Penn State students and alumni.
Use this system to:
- View internship and job opportunities by major, industry, or location
- Research industries and organizations within the system
- Post your resume for employers to view (requires Career Services approval)
- Apply for internship and job opportunities of interest to you
- Request on-campus interviewing opportunities
Nittany Lion Career Network database access is free for students. If interested in adding On-Campus Interviewing to your NLCN account, a $15.00 annual fee will be billed to your student account.
- Access the NLCN: Log-in to Nittany Lion Career Network
- Add On-Campus Interviewing: Add On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) to existing account
New Alumni Users
For alumni who have never held a Nittany Lion Alumni Recruiting account. You can request an account by entering your Friends of Penn State (FPS) user ID and password.*
*If you graduated after May 2004, your FPS account is your PSU Access Account user ID (xyz123) and password. All other graduates must request a FPS account.
Registered Alumni
For alumni who have previously registered for NLCN (or NLR), you can continue to use the account established as an undergraduate. Initially you will need to log-in with the user ID and password that was emailed to you. Please remember to update your email address since your will expire 6 months after graduation.
Log-in to Nittany Lion Alumni Recruiting
Add On-Campus Recruiting (OCR)
Alumni are welcome to utilize on-campus recruiting. In general, we recommend OCR for use by alumni with less than two years professional experience. There is a $40 fee for alumni to access OCR and alumni must travel to the campus hosting the interview if selected for an on-campus interview by an employer.
Add OCR to an existing NLCN account
Job Posting/Company Verification Disclaimer: Read the full disclaimer which describes the shared responsibility among Penn State Career Services (including University Park and Commonwealth Campus career offices) and internship/job seekers in researching and identifying potential concerns about the legitimacy of employers and their respective postings.